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Trimble Connect

Share and view project information

Sign Up for Trimble Connect

Collaborate with others on projects of all kinds

Trimble Connect simplifies the exchange of files and project information by combining file management, viewing, messaging and activities in one simple-to-use tool that is always available — anywhere, anytime.

Bring your team’s BIM data together in one shared space. Eliminate tedious file conversions and expensive proprietary software. Combine models created in any modeling tool into one common coordination view — with all the measuring, clash and markup tools you need.

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Manage file sharing with full history

    Upload and share 3D and 2D documentation with the entire team - including PDF, Word, Excel, pictures, and videos. Put the project’s entire social and transactional history at your fingertips.

    Powerful cloud based technology gets you up and running quickly, with no IT staff or servers. Simple administrative controls anyone can use, with role-based access and security features tailored to AEC teams.

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Manage tasks for the whole team

    Building together means sharing tasks and responsibilities. Trimble Connect allows you to assign tasks to collaborators and to manage tasks assigned to you in a convenient to-do list.

    Construction sites don’t always have the best internet connectivity and sometimes you need to access your data when you aren’t online at all. Trimble Connect’s Sync Tool helps you keep a local copy of all your critical project data right on your computer.

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Trimble Connect works with everything

Trimble Connect has a 3D model viewing environment that is widely compatible. It can display, combine and coordinate models in SKP, IFC, 3DM, DWG, DXF, DGN, OBJ, FBX, 3DS, STP, STEP, IGES, IGS, STL, SLDPRT, SLDASM, KMZ, DAE, X3D and OFF formats.

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